ISAD - Initiative on Sustainable Action for Development
ISAD stands for Initiative on Sustainable Action for Development
Here you will find, what does ISAD stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Initiative on Sustainable Action for Development? Initiative on Sustainable Action for Development can be abbreviated as ISAD What does ISAD stand for? ISAD stands for Initiative on Sustainable Action for Development. What does Initiative on Sustainable Action for Development mean?Initiative on Sustainable Action for Development is an expansion of ISAD
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Alternative definitions of ISAD
- Integrated Starter Alternator Damper
- Information Systems, Authorization Directory
- Ivy Street Advertising and Design
- International Standard For Archival Description
View 5 other definitions of ISAD on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- IPAAM Insitut panafricain des arts et metiers, Abidjan
- IAF Inspire Africa Foundation
- IBB Instinct du Bon Berger
- IAGU Institut africain de gestion urbaine
- INAGEF Institut de gestion et de formation
- INSAH Institut du Sahel
- IFAN Institut fondamental d'Afrique noire
- IIFEG Institut international de formation des entrepreneurs et gestionnaires
- IPAFRIQUE Institut Pazcov Afrique
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- ICDCCEICDCE Institute for Child Development and Cross-Cultural Exchange ICDCE
- IHPRG Institute for Health Policy and Research, Ghana
- IHRDA Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa
- INL Institute for New Leaders
- IPA Institute for Policy Alternatives
- IFSW&GS Institute For Social Work & Geriatric Studies